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Evergreen Christian School is committed to providing an exceptional Christ-centered education. We continue to grow and develop through our fourth decade of ministry.  We do this with a partnership between the leadership of our ECC Executive Board, ECS Advisory Board, administration, faculty, staff, PTM (Parent Teacher Ministry) and families who work cooperatively to implement improvements required to keep up with other Christian, private, and secular schools, and keep up with today’s educational needs.  The Family Stewardship Program creates that partnership and is aimed at utilizing the strengths of our students’ families by increasing participation in order to defray costs and improve our community.

What does Family Stewardship mean for you? Similar to many private institutions like ECS, we require each family to commit 20 hours of work related to the activities of ECS each year.  ECS encourages the gifts and talents with which each of our families are blessed with, meaning that this significant output can be accomplished in many different ways by any or all members of each family. Families unable to participate in the Family Stewardship Program will be charged $20.00 per unfulfilled hour for preschool and $25 for hour for K-8th grade. Late entrance families will have pro-rated required hours. Additional hours of service would be of course, greeted with enthusiasm and greatly appreciated!

Families with ONLY preschoolers at ECS are asked to complete 5 hours per family.  If you have a preschooler and a student K-8th grade at ECS, the 20 hour requirement applies.

You must log your stewardship hours by the final day of school in June, or the fee will apply. No late submissions will be received after that date.

opportunities to serve:

Back to School Night • Family Fall Festival • PTM • Advertising/Public Relations • Veterans Day • Field Day Hot Dog Lunch • Spring Fundraiser • Teacher Appreciation Week • Pastries with Parents • SCRIP Sales • Office • Spring Program

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

I Peter 4:10