parent teacher ministry - ptm
Our mission is to support ECS, its students, staff and families to raise up the next generation for Christ by providing community building and academic enrichment activities. We do this by hosting events, fundraisers and programs to connect our families, as well as hold community-building activities, organizing after-school enrichment programs, helping to support staff development and by purchasing supplies and equipment not in the budget. This includes, but is not limited to: purchasing playground equipment, improving the library, buying sports uniforms, providing computers for the technology lab, etc.
There are ways in which to contribute to the PTM monetarily without any extra effort. Go to these websites to find out how:
Fred Meyer: https://www.fredmeyer.com/topic/community-rewards-4
Target: https://corporate.target.com/corporate-responsibility/education
We hope you get involved with the PTM this year and really help our events be a smash! We will have monthly meetings, which will be held in room 201 to discuss current and future events and programs. Please know that coming to a meeting in no way commits you volunteering or making a large time commitment in any way. We just want you to be informed about what’s going on around the school. We will also strive to make volunteering fun and accessible to ALL parents. You will NEVER be turned away!
2024-2025 meetings
All meetings occur after drop off in the morning unless otherwise noted in the church conference room.
Evergreen Christian School welcomes volunteer involvement from parents and other members of the community. Each year citizens volunteer their time to ECS. Examples of volunteer work may include tutoring students, helping out in the school library or office, assisting teachers with daily assignments, driving or chaperoning for field trips, and special projects, etc. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the school office or contact your child's teacher. There is an expectation that all parents want to support ECS in whatever ways God has gifted them to do so. You must log your stewardship hours by the final day of school in June, or the fee will apply. No late submissions will be received after that date. Stewardship hours are charged at $20 per hour for Preschool (5 hours required per year) and $25 for K-8 (20 hours required per year).
The following list includes a few of the ways that parents and grandparents have found to get involved in supporting Evergreen Christian School:
Serve within the Parent-Teacher Ministry (PTM)
Volunteer to help with ECS activities
Volunteer in the classroom
Help with fundraisers
Assist the Development team with fundraising events
Sports opportunities to coach and assist
At ECS, we believe that many hands make light work. We are so grateful for the families who partner with us to strengthen our community!