Middle school at Evergreen Christian is academically challenging, engaging, and serves to prepare students for the transition to high school. In addition to academics, students participate in performances, mentoring younger children through a buddy system, and enrichment activities. Some of what makes ECS middle school great:
Teachers that love to teach in a way that the students learn
Enrichment classes that allow for growth and education such as Music, PE, Yearbook/Photography, Environmental Science, Technology, Washington State History, Apologetics, Case for Christ, Art, Outdoor Recreation, Math Support, and Language Support
Support when students want extra help, extra challenge, or encouragement
Communication with families
Chapel experiences that lead to spiritual and personal growth
Field Trips that are curriculum related and fun at the same time
Education in Bible, Science, Math, History and English
Opportunity to compete in events such as Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, Knowledge Bowl, Math Olympics, Science Fair, Fine Arts Festival and more...
Possible Guatemala Missions trip at the end of 8th grade
We encourage you to visit, and spend a day in the life of an ECS middle school student to experience firsthand why families love Evergreen Christian School!
middle school team
mrs. sondgroth
mrs. reaves
mr. redmond
mrs. Gudbranson
Mrs. stauffer

“Our middle school students are ready and eager learners. I love helping them develop higher-level thinking skills and make connections.”
— Mrs. Vandekieft, 8th grade