Getting Involved
Evergreen Christian School welcomes volunteer involvement from parents and other members of the community. Each year citizens volunteer their time to ECS. Examples of volunteer work may include tutoring students, helping out in the school library or office, assisting teachers with daily assignments, driving or chaperoning for field trips, and special projects, etc. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the school office or contact your child's teacher.
There is an expectation that all parents want to support ECS in whatever ways God has gifted them to do so. The following list includes a few of the ways that parents and grandparents have found to get involved in supporting Evergreen Christian School:
Serve within the Parent-Teacher Ministry (PTM)
Volunteer to help with ECS activities
Volunteer in the classroom
Help with fundraisers
Assist the Development team with the auction and golf tournament
Sports opportunities to coach and assist