Join the 100 Mile Club!
The 100 Mile Club is FREE program available during recess on selected days for our K - 5th grade students. To join, students turn in a completed registration form to a recess aide or the school office. Once registered, they simply begin walking or running a lap of our play field during recess. An aide will stand at the end of each lap and will hand out popsicle sticks that are collected at the end to track progress. For each milestone (i.e. 25, 50, 75, 100) students will receive a reward including a pencil, bracelet, t-shirt and medal.
The 100 Mile Club was started in California to engage students and get them active. It helps cultivate skills in goal-setting and shows students that even hard things are possible if they take it one step at a time.
If you would like to help us with this program at school this year, please contact Keri Balsley in the office at school.